Wednesday, June 27, 2018





11:22 2018-06-27

- I have an ongoing project called The White Point Project; The project is a lot of things, but in part it is a study of what I call "infinitesimal offwhites";
- Infinitesimal offwhites are colors that are extremely close to pure white, without being 100% white;
- I started the project with acrylic paints on canvas; I would mix my colors and make colors like what I call "infinitesimal yellow", "infinitesimal pink", "infinitesimal blue", etc.;
- On that note, I've also been doing experiences with computer screens;
Infinitesimal Yellow Test (right-hand square). A.G. (c) 2018. All Rights Reserved.

- This experiment depends somewhat on characteristics of the screen someone is using who views these visual "tests"; For instance, on my laptop's screen, this infinitesimal yellow has an almost pinkish hue, whereas on my other screen, it has a clearly yellow tinge;
- The point I'm trying to make with these experiments is that white doesn't really exist; If you take a white canvas and bring it outside in the sun, you will basically see the "color of sunlight", i.e. the canvas will have a hue, ranging from light yellow to orange, pink, and blueish-grey, depending on the time of day; That's why photographers do light tests with a white panel or whatnot;
Infinitesimal Pink Test (right-hand square). A.G. (c) 2018. All Rights Reserved.

- The other aspect of these tests is to test the human eye, the retina and so forth; It appears that other colors influence any "whites" that we see; Our vision of color is influenced by surrounding colors; That is when we see a color it "influences" our eye for a few milliseconds and thereby changes our EXPERIENCE OF COLOR, like when we look at a white canvas or whatnot.
Infinitesimal Blue Test (right-hand square). A.G. (c) 2018. All Rights Reserved.
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Time: Wed Jun 27 20:24:29 2018

Experiment: The White Point Project Redux

Statement of Purpose: I began making "viual tests" meant to test the limits of the human eye when it comes to the perception, psychophysically, of the color white.

Procedure: I made samples of colors. I had two squares, a left and a right square, and in the white square I have the color white, in the right square I have what I call "infinitesimal yellow" for instance. It's basically what I call an "infinitesimal offwhite", it is infinitely close to WHITE, without being white. It has a hue, yellow or pink or blue or green, but is infinitesimal. So it tests the limits of perception of color, in the human eye.

Notes: I had a good run. The tests seem to be ready to be used in the wild. I just need to find some collaborators who would be willing to do the visual tests and send me notes/documentation about the process. Then I could start collecting actual "hard data". I will be experimenting with thi in the coming Production-Year 2019-2020.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2018





17:03 2018-06-26

- I have been playing with what I call "minimal visual interestingness"; The concept is for the visual artist to do the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM in terms of his/her interventions, to achieve a non-negligible level of visual "interestingness";
- Playing on the theme of The Diagonal Method, I tried making a "noise field" or scatter plot in this case, that was centered around the diagonal axis;
- It's a form of dynamic visual equilibrium, if you ask me;
DIAGONAL AXIS. A.G. (c) 2018. All Rights Reserved.
- The idea again is to generate a minimum of scattered black pixels over an off-white grey noise field lying underneath as background; The prediction is that people find this minimally interesting, working on the theory of the diagonal method;
- Anyway I was looking through my book called Design and Expression in The Visual Arts on the chapters on dynamic equilibrium as well as asymmetry; I touched upon the concept of asymmetry in my last blog post;
- This is really a bona fide NOISE FIELD; I made it by hand, pixel-by-pixel, I took a digital paintbrush and made black spots one by one, making thousands of them to create the NOISE FIELD; I will be coming back to my Noise Field Theory later on, because I really think I'm onto something; These are just visual experiments, the documentation and labnotes will be put up on this blog in the near future. It's also part of The White Point Project in a sense, more on that at a later date;
- On my general digital design methodology, please read Evolving The Fittest Image.

19:12 2018-06-26

- I just played around with the "evolutionary design" that I described in Evolving The Fittest Image, which I linked to above;
- I started with "pure noise" and "evolved" or "modulated" the image until I got a cellular-type structure, all done using primitive image processing functions that are easy to implement, meaning that technically speaking a computer could generate these kinds of images autonomously, given enough "genetic rules" hard-coded in;
GAME OF LIFE. Evolutionary design by A.G. (c) 2018. All Rights Reserved.
- I will be making many more of these experiments. Stay tuned for more...





09:18 2018-06-26

- For the longest time, I've been obsessed with noise; To me some of the most interesting distributions are noises or noisy signals;
- If you take the set of "All Possible Images", most of them will be images of some sort of "noise", random-looking, etc.;
- I've taken it a step further and now I am thinking more and more about the "fear of asymmetry" or asymmetriphobia.

Asymmetry. A.G. (c) 2018. All Rights Reserved.
- The idea is that the visual field is asymmetrical in its axis; there is no symmetry from left to right, horizontally, and almost none vertically also; yet it forms a kind of dynamic equilibrium;

Asymmetry. A.G. (c) 2018. All Rights Reserved.
- I am really starting to believe that most people are fearful of asymmetry; My contention is that we live in a universe with "Cosmic Asymmetry" as a fundamental force; To me asymmetry is behind everything, every fluctuating value;
- This one actually has a symmetry because I am using circles, which can be translated and remain invariant;

Asymmetry. A.G. (c) 2018. All Rights Reserved.
- As you can see, there is an asymmetry on the axis, but the circles themselves are symmetrical "in-themselves", per se;
- If we use a more "complex" structure, like the following "wavy" structure, we can make things even more asymmetrical; The question is, what is more beautiful?

Asymmetry. A.G. (c) 2018. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018





16:53 2018-06-20

- Lately, I've been studying archival science. I'm working on The Archives-Project and a physical system I call The Refcards-System;
- I've also been looking at audio ontologies, trying to formulate my "Signal Science", in my rigorous sound design workflow management methodology;

AudioSet Ontology. Machine Perception research at Google

- The idea is to have a universal typology for what I call "signals", whose simplest instance is just a varying physical quantity over time and can be as complex as a symphony or a software package or even "World History".

Monday, June 18, 2018





17:33 2018-06-18

- I've made a few paintings over the last year or so, not as much as I usually do, but still a few good ones;
- Here is a painting I made in the Spring that has to do with a hermit "coming down from the mountain" after a winter meditation;

Hermit. A.G. (c) 2018. All Rights Reserved.
- I've also made digital compositions for The Archives-Project;
Archives-Painting. A.G. (c) 2017. All Rights Reserved.
- I have other paintings planned for The Archives-Project and other projects like The White Point Project which mostly consists of color tests.

Friday, June 15, 2018





18:12 2018-06-15

- I haven't added any updates for over a year. I was busy grieving the loss of my mother;
- I basically took a sabbatical in 2017; I still wrote my Official Declaration of Production-Year 2018-2019 in August, 2017; I'm slowly starting to prepare my Official Declaration for 2018, for the years 2019-2020;
- I still made a painting here and there, here being a prime example of something done in 2018;

VORTEX. A.G. (c) 2018. All Rights Reserved.
- The concept behind this Vortex painting was a sensation that I had at the time of being in a literal whirlpool of emotions, thoughts, symbolism;
- I've still been working on The Archives-Project, an interdisciplinary megaproject, both art and research project;
- I'm still working on art-research projects every day, it's just that I haven't published as much on-line as I usually do; right now I'm studyin DOCUMENTATION, in the sense that Paul Otlet gave to the then burgeoning science; More to come...