Monday, November 25, 2019





2019-11-25 10:06:50

* A short while ago, I became interested in Prolog and logic programming in general, as well as building ontologies or building knowledge bases;
* I did a lot of research and lately I've discovered the Logtalk programming language and it seems to do everything I need it to do to build my own expert system;
* I've also been reading quite a bit about functional programming in Python in general; I've begun the transition to Python 3; Yes, I learned Python 2.7 when I learned to program and now it won't be supported anymore in a few months, starting in January, 2020, so I have to switch to Python 3 sooner or later;
* I also have been reading up on The Seigneurial System in the colony of New France; Apparently, the Seigneurial System was NOT feudalism;
* I've been trying to code in Python, putting new knowledge into application; I'm also continuously reading a lot of code on Github and in Gists on Github;
* I've been making music on the weekend with my friends where we have begun recording an album of original music in the Rock & Roll genre;
* I still want to augment my knowledge of higher mathematics; from trigonometry and beyond, including Calculus and differential equations; I'm starting to have a nice basis in statistics and probability and I understand most of the basic concepts of differential and integral calculus;

WINTER TRAIN. Design by A.G. (c) 2019. All Rights Reserved.

* I've been slowly working on concepts for my novels; I'm also in the process of writing new lyrics for some of the songs I've been playing with my band;
* I said I've been reading a lot of code on Github; I started becoming interested in Python code implementing a simple proof of work algorithm, or client puzzle, similar to the Hashcash protocol, or what is used in Blockchain technologies;
* I did quite a bit of research on Expert Systems, especially expert systems written in Python; Most of the code I read is in Python; I haven't really been able to learn any other languages just yet; I've taken courses in Standard ML and Scala, and I've played around with Ruby and Prolog and other systems; I even tried to learn Haskell at some point;
* I've also been trying to improve my knowledge of computer programming in general; Trying to learn good habits, following the proper Python idioms; With that said, it goes without saying that I am learning about different programming paradigms, trying to develop my own coding style;
* Before much of the above, I focused for a while on the concept/theme of Political Polarization, or attitude polarization in particular, and group polarization in general; I began studying political polarization because of an actual conversation I was having in a Facebook group; I was trying to understand how two people could look at the same set of facts and have entirely different interpretations, even though as stated, the facts "on the ground" were exactly the same;
* I ended up trying to understand Post-truth politics, or the post-truth world in general;
* I also read up on conspiracies such as QAnon in trying to understand the current political landscape in America;
* I learned about the so-called Pamphlet Wars, which was really interesting;
* I now want to get a better more rounded understanding of Proof assistants or interactive theorem provers in general; I am also interested in genetic programming, though this latter one has been an interest for many years now;

THE CITY-OF. Design by A.G. (c) 2019. All Rights Reserved.

A.G. (c) 2019. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, November 11, 2019





2019-11-11 08:03:37

* The Formalization of Philosophy;
* In the name of the formalization of philosophy, I tried to encapsulate the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari in a knowledge base in Prolog. I took the first chapter of What is Philosophy? by D+G and extracted the main statements. I then went over these statements and turned them into Facts in Prolog.I named the file after the title of the first chapter in D+G’s book,;
The knowledge base shown below is far from being complete. There were many statements in the chapter What is a Concept? in D+G’s book that I couldn’t fit in the syntax for Facts in Prolog, at least as I understand it. This is more of an experiment in a more formal/fornalized philosophy.;
* I learned about discursive formalization in the work of Michel Foucault. He mentions a few times how certain discourses can become more and more formalized, like mathematics and theoretical physics and so forth, which are highly formalized. Philosophy is not so formal/formalized, so it will take some work before we can fully make it so.;