Monday, November 11, 2019





2019-11-11 08:03:37

* The Formalization of Philosophy;
* In the name of the formalization of philosophy, I tried to encapsulate the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari in a knowledge base in Prolog. I took the first chapter of What is Philosophy? by D+G and extracted the main statements. I then went over these statements and turned them into Facts in Prolog.I named the file after the title of the first chapter in D+G’s book,;
The knowledge base shown below is far from being complete. There were many statements in the chapter What is a Concept? in D+G’s book that I couldn’t fit in the syntax for Facts in Prolog, at least as I understand it. This is more of an experiment in a more formal/fornalized philosophy.;
* I learned about discursive formalization in the work of Michel Foucault. He mentions a few times how certain discourses can become more and more formalized, like mathematics and theoretical physics and so forth, which are highly formalized. Philosophy is not so formal/formalized, so it will take some work before we can fully make it so.;

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