Friday, August 17, 2018





00:02 2018-08-17

- Since my last post on July 14th, 2018, I have done a lot of research on the web; Here is a kind of annotated bibliography of my web searches since my last post on this blog;
- Ref. 1 Corinthians 10:13 KJV - There hath no temptation taken you but - Bible Gateway
- "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."
- This is a piece of wisdom from the Holy Bible that has proven to be true to me over the years. God doesn't set you up for failure, usually; He gives you a "just challenge";
- Then I became interested in categories of fictional characters having to do with transportation, because I was supposed to start a program in logistics in the Fall;
- Then I found a searchable version of the Big Book in Alcoholics Anonymous, which has proven itself quite useful;
- I then began to look at various movements in architecture and related content;
- A friend of mine recommended a documentary on-line about Erik Satie;
- Somehow that got me to thinking about André Gide's concept of mise-en-abyme in his novel The Counterfeitors;
- An interesting legal theory caught my attention;
- My next stretch of web searches had to do with the Google Home device, and also the Google Assistant used by millions across the world to interact with Google services via voice commands, and how this is a "revolution" so to speak in terms of voice data produced;
- A piece caught my attention, a piece about how we should never underestimate the power of human stupidity;
- I then began searching for things having to do with furniture, with the research question being what kind of furniture was the first furniture that homo sapiens made in history?;
- The following area of interest for me was that of Taoism, what Taoism is, what its practices include, and what its history is in ancient China;
- Then came a series of searches on logistics and supply chain management, in French;
- Now things get interesting; I started out by searching about the Humanities; it started it out with the fact that I knew a term in French called "sciences sociales", i.e. "social sciences", but I didn't know the English translation; When I looked it up, it turns out its the "Humanties", so I search for that a bit, but in my so-called "WikiWalks", I ended up in various other places, dealing with sounds in the field and other related concepts, as well of course as topics related to the humanities, and in general the Outline of academic disciplines, including Visual sociology amongst other things;
- Next comes a series of WikiWalks on Wikipedia with the research question, what is nonlinear dyamical systems theory?; I found a bunch of related concepts and answers;
- At this point, I began researching bifurcation theory, the dynamical disease model, nonlinear dynamical systems theory, biodynamics, noise-induced transitions, and tension systems;
- This brought me to looking once more at the concept of Entropy;

- The moment came now to take a quick look at autism from someone who is becoming more and more of an expert in the domain;

- As is often the case, as I am researching things on-line, I come to these old concepts that I have ead about in the past; The concepts come back to the fore of my mind and I look them up as essential references; I did this with the concept of "Cosmic latter" which somehow also brought me to a brief study of Pointillism; The idea is to come up with an app that gives what I call "moral temperature readings";

- I then became interested, as I have done before many times, in the Chinese philosophy of Taoism as well as the ancient martial art known as Tai Chi; Taoism brings me peace because it gives me a basic program to follow;

- Following up on my studies of the Tao and Taoism, I began thinking about noise, nonlinear systems and so forth, as well as the philosophy, in Taoism as I know it and practiced it in Tai Chi Qigong, of movement froming from stillness;

- Over the last several years, I have been developing what I call my "Noise Field Theory" (NFT); Below is some of the math that I've had to look up to try to explain the noise fields especially in the way they appear in my digital composition/digital synthesis; I go from general concepts to more particular concepts, trying to cover as much ground as possible; i.e. one concept leads to many other concepts, from definition to definition, concepts INSIDE the definition of another concept;

- One subject that I keep coming to over these last few years is the concept of "computational creativity", i.e. the ability of robots or automatons to generate art that is aesthetically pleasing, in a totally autonomous way; Here we deal with confabulation as well as some models of AI by S.L. Thaler, and often forgotten PIONEED of computational creativity;

- I came across a lecture given by Frank Abagnale about his criminal "career" before joining the FBI to help them in detecting fraud; It was my first exposure to his work, and was really worthwhile to look at; I wasn't aware that they made a film about him, called "Catch Me If You Can" starring Leonardo di Caprio and Tom Hanks;

- The following web resources may not seem related to one another; They are nevertheless "avenues" that I have passed through to trying to understand concepts in mathematics, image processing, and musical composition; I am after all an interdisciplinary artist-researcher, and these all fall into the various domains of expertise of my general practice;

- I'm always reading interesting articles in the domains of science and technology; here are a couple that caught my attention; One is about the phenomenon of flop accounts on Instagram, where young people, teenagers, go to debate everything under the sun; The other article is what it sounds like, a rendition of some peculiar math, that of octonions, to try to explain things in the universe;

- After following someone on Facebook going through difficulties with mental health and so forth, I started looking up the expression "Catch-22" an ended up on a WikiWalk through various Wikipedia articles, as listed below; I ended up looking at mathematical logic and so forth;

- Here I am looking at the publication of the actual computer code for the Apollo Mission, as well as some topics in game theory, i.e. mechanism design etc.;

- Now my attention was drawn to Paul Kammerer's Law of Seriality, which I found extremely interesting and much more satisfying to read than Carl Jung's work on his concept of Synchronicity, which it turn out owes a lot to the work of Kammerer;

- And lastly, here is a list of web resources that I have spent some time reading; They cross a wide range of subject, from the creativity of jazz improvizers to the mathematical basis of the arts, to cosmic asymmetry, brain plasticity, the history of writing, optimization problem, risks and threats of Blockchain tech, the value of art creatiion, etc. I skip a few but yesterday I got into crime opportunity theory, especially in what is called routine activities theory, a subfield within criminology;