Sunday, September 13, 2015





02:04 2015-09-14

* The "ArtOps" circles represent what I call "Art Operations" in a system I am developing (I'm only developing the theory for now). Basically, they represent "art practises", except that in this model, they are modelled as DAOs or "distributed autonomous organizations".
* The "broker_ops" are also DAOs, a.k.a. "Broker Operations". And it's the same for the "Art Exchange" which is just a kind of "Art Market", modelled as a kind of "Financial Exchange" if you will, also a DAO.
* Basically, you can just imagine each circle as an "automaton" or "finite state machine" or "abstract machine", if you want. The "ArtOps" machines need the "broker_ops" machines to interact with the "Exchange" machine.
* Many ArtOps interact with many brokers who interact with a single Art Exchange, at least that's as far as I've gotten for now.
* It's mostly a system I am modelling for a series of novels I'm writing. It's something that characters in the novel will be building, these interconnected systems of Distributed Autonomous Organizations.

Art Operations Ecosystem by A.G. (c) 2015
"Art Operations Ecosystem" A.G. (c) 2015

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