02:04 2015-09-14
* The "ArtOps" circles represent what I call "Art Operations" in a system I am developing (I'm only developing the theory for now). Basically, they represent "art practises", except that in this model, they are modelled as DAOs or "distributed autonomous organizations".
* The "broker_ops" are also DAOs, a.k.a. "Broker Operations". And it's the same for the "Art Exchange" which is just a kind of "Art Market", modelled as a kind of "Financial Exchange" if you will, also a DAO.
* Basically, you can just imagine each circle as an "automaton" or "finite state machine" or "abstract machine", if you want. The "ArtOps" machines need the "broker_ops" machines to interact with the "Exchange" machine.
* Many ArtOps interact with many brokers who interact with a single Art Exchange, at least that's as far as I've gotten for now.
* It's mostly a system I am modelling for a series of novels I'm writing. It's something that characters in the novel will be building, these interconnected systems of Distributed Autonomous Organizations.
"Art Operations Ecosystem" A.G. (c) 2015 |