Wednesday, December 31, 2014





07:43 2014-12-31

* I've made several new attempts at creating a visual art ("design") that could eventually be done entirely by computer, in an automated manner.
* I'm also looking closely at my documentation methods, trying to improve my record-keeping in general. The goal of that is to have a body of work of documented methods, processes, techniques, methodologies, etc.
* The goal in that is to make my work "reproducible". Since my work is mostly "experimental", I want others to be able to reproduce the "experiments".



16:50 2014-12-31

* So I made several other ventures into the realm of Generative Art / Procedural Generation. I'm not sure where I'm going with this right now, but I know it is amazing work that I am doing. Let me lead you directly to my latest entry into the Laboratory Notebook:

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