Wednesday, July 4, 2018





11:11 2018-07-04

- I am still thinking about my experiments in The White Point Project; I think that the concept of "infinitesimal colors" is robust; They are colors that are "offwhite" but infinitesimally so;
- I found this image from previous White Point experiments; What I did was paint a canvas with various "white washes" and then photographed the piece of cardboard under different lighting conditions; This was the result, it gave me four different "values";
DAYLIGHT SERIES / WHITE POINT. A.G. (c) 2018. All Rights Reserved.
- I will continue doing experiments like this; The goal is to have actual data, to generate my own datasets on subjects like this, color values and so forth, the nature and quality of "light" under different conditions, how canvasses behave and so forth;
- Part of it has to do with the human retina, in that regard what I am doing are valid experiments in the psychophysics of human sight; This work can easily get phenomenological, and perhaps I should undertake a proper phenomenological investigation into the White Point Series;
- Remember that I began my Official Declaration of Production-Year 2019-2020; Remember to check that out for it is an evolving document; I will keep on working on it until about September or October, when I will leave it as a type of "constitution" document for the coming Production-Year, a constitution I will follow to a tee, that is how I build my brand value, by making predictions on my production that can be measured; I give stakeholders forward-looking statements on my artistic production; Remember that predictable economics are always better than unpredictable economics; People who invest in me as an artist need predictable economics; That's partly what differentiates me from other artists; I tell it like it is, I make statements about my production and my "Production-Year" and I do exactly what I say;
- I have many other projects on the go: The Critique of Code Genres, The Internals Project, The Refcards Project, The Stacks Project, The New Documentation Project, The Theatre Pauvre Project, The White Point Project, The Writing-Without-Writing Project, as well of course as The History-Project which still continues after 17 years, and The Archives-Project.
Writing-Without-Writing circa 2007. A.G. (c) 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.

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