Saturday, August 18, 2018





16:44 2018-08-18

- More of my recent TabSets, this time for the month of May, 2018;
- We start with an article from one of my favorite blogs, DSHR which is a blog about digital preservation; Here we are looking at Economics of Scale in Peer-to-Peer Networks;
- Next we look at a video from a series of video made by Jordan Peterson which have to do with the Psychological Significance of The Biblical Stories;
- Then we have a series of mostly unrelated topics, ranging from an Apostolic Exhortation by Pope Francis to a lecture by an AA Big Book Speaker, including a web resource about Murder by Government (democide) and one on how the Internet Archive can't preserve the web's history by itself;
- Also: Some links about the Quebec law about animals being "sentient creatures";
- Welcome to the age of Crypto-war; Apparently also capitalism is ending; A piece about Pirsig's work; An AA resource presenting William James' The Varieties of Religious Experience; Also a tablet called reMarkable and again some links about Quebec's Animal Welfare and Safety Act;
- Opinion piece on saving Barnes & Noble; Professor J. Schmidhuber's Formal Theory of Creativity; The concept of Algorithms-as-a-Service; Some links about big bookstores and one about David Icke;
- The concept of Typology in sacramental theology; Some notes about the news business; Tristan Harris' work on an Ethics for Designers; Some publications about Benjamin's concept of Dialectical Images; Woven Texts, a great resource about the Bible, a clever concept of the Bible as "woven text";
- Do-it-yourself Artificial Intelligence (from Google) + something having to do with Google's Material Design pattern language; Something about Autism from the UK; The concept of Constitutive Rhetoric; A comunity dedicated to learning hardware; More essays by Tristan Harris on Design Ethics; Some philosophical concepts like Interpellation, Interculturalism; Some stuff about email and also some of Louis Althusser's work on the ideological state apparatus;
- Pages about design briefs and creative briefs; A web mystery about a piece of audio sounding like both "Yanny" AND "Laurel"; Some Spiritual Maxims of St-Teresa of Avila; Stop fighting against cancer; Alan Watts is not my favorite cultural figure, but he has made some intelligent remarks, some resources here figured; The book Christ the Eternal Tao;
- Mathematics concepts; I'm always looking up mathematical concepts on Wikipedia; It is the source of much of my inspiration when making my visual designs on the computer;
- How to set up your Google Home device; Hippolyte Taine, who developed the concept of "moral temperature"/"moral climate" which I love so much and never tire of; Morphology (folkloristics), some resources about story arcs, the morphology of folk tales; A piece about DeepMind AI spontaneously developing digital navigation "neurons" similar to ours; Resources about Quebec's new health care "Carnet santé" now available to all Quebecois people; A piece on the surprisingly complex small brain of Homo naledi and something about some of the first stars to exist in the universe; The concept of Calm Technology and some resources about Supply chain management; Some resources about Geocriticism and a page on Bahktin's concept of Chronotope;
- Detection theory; The development of my Signal Science; Some links on physiological signals; Some books on my wishlist; a physicist's idea of time, Carlo Rovelli's new book, The Order of Time; The knowledge problem of tech platforms, cyclogenesis, and something about breaking deep learning with adversarial examples; Some AA resources;
- An experiment with Tinder; Theoretical computer science, all sorts of miscellaneous Wikipedia pages on functions, events, threads, etc.; Miscellaneous web resources, i.e. the idea of the production function in economics;
- On-line newspaper archives;
- Picasso and Cubism; The idea that people are less selfish under capitalism; Databases, i.e. the Dee library in Python, also Lev Manovich's Database as a Symbolic Form; A great program, a formalization of Spinoza's Ethics; Concepts in the Value Network software, in their wiki; Behavior-Driven Development;
- Mystical Theology, from the Ladder of Divine Ascent to Metanoia, the Neuroscience of religion, Christian contemplation, Ein Sof, Scholarly approaches to mysticism, etc.;
- The distortions and cognitive biases in cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT; A strange finding, a one parameter equation that can exactly fit any scatter plot; 'Roseane' show canceled at ABC following ractist tweet; Some thoughts about music, from accents to musical notation, graphic notation, indeterminacy, and some computing resources; Also, once again with detection theory, decision theory, the sensitivity index, as well as classification rules, test methods, experimentst, some information theory, anomaly detection, statistical hypothesis testing, and various related resources, etc.;

Friday, August 17, 2018





22:45 2018-08-17

- I will now be going over the TabSets for the month of June, 2018; Basically, I am just sharing some of the content that I have been reading, topics I've been researching;
- I always keep a Log of all the Tabs that I have opened, which I call "TabSets", a.k.a. "Sets of Tab"; There are often duplicates, but in this log I'm not showing duplicates, and some of the links have been purposely rearranged to fit together (also, some duplicates were kept for good measure);
- I often research all things related to Signal (and also related to Noise, its important counterpart); Here we have a selection of such links;
- I often find myself returning to what is a key text for me, namely Lev Manovich's essay, "Database as a Symbolic Form"; I'm also often returning to the work of David Cottington, a master art historian; Here it's his Cubism and Its Histories book I'm interested in;
- I've also been doing cognitive-behavioral therapy for 14 years, so I'm often interested in reading about the 10 cognitive distortions of Dr. David D. Burns, from his work Feeling Good;
- The rest is just examples of what I call the "green orthodoxy", how we should be changing the world economy and civilization itself to avoid our own extinction;
- I often read up on various topics in the pure & applied sciences; This case is no different; I was looking at the concept of "Cosmic latte", i.e. the "average color of the universe"; I also became interested in what the Big Bang sounded like; (I have a passion for physical cosmology, let it be known);
- I became obsessed at some point with various file image formats and ended up looking for the oldest formats in the history of computing;
- Here we have a mix of content; At once, I am looking at a regret minimization famework and the next minute I'm studying Prehistoric music;
- I was trying to find what were the oldest musical instruments in human history; This led to a WikiWalk that led me to Music archaeology, Zoomusicology, Bioacoustics, and eventually a list of Bioacoustics software;
- Here, I begin to look at a wider range of topics involved with "Sound", includin acoustic ecology, Soundscape ecology", etc.; This somehow led me to think of Eigenfunctions, LTI systems, the philosophy of music, and so on;
- Here we are still obsessed with crows, and then we take a more theoretical, mathematical approach, looking at differential equations, harmonic oscillators, and other concepts from physics, only to come back to Anthropophony, Biophony, and Geophony;
- We start again with Sensory ecology this time, look at the Niche hypothesis, and various topics in working "in the field" including Observations and Measurements, SensorML, and a look at some Noise topics and other topics; we finish as we often do with concepts in physics and advanced mathematics;
- Again, as I often do, I come back to the basics in my "Signal Science", everything from a definition of "signal" to the Handicap principle and "signalling" in economics;
- In the following TabSet, I look at Hypertext and related subjects; I begin looking at studies in what might be called the Digital Humanities;
- A look at som applied theoretical computer science and noise-based logic as well as "historiographs" by Eugene Garfield and other topics, related and unrelated;
- You can begin to see what my web history looks like, i.e. I'm always going from one topic to the next, sometime on a continuum, sometimes taking discrete jumps and leaps, discontinuous; And of course sometimes I'm just stuck in a loop on Wikipedia, doing what I call a "WikiWalk", which is going from hyperlink to hyperlink within Wikpedia;
- A wide collection of web resources, from critical code studies to various topics in the digital humanities;
- A look at preferential attachment, project risk management, and some topics related to the work of Paul Otlet;
- A look at desire paths and microattributions (nanopub);
- Looking at supply chain management and some practical coding resources;
- An ongoing obsession with prehistoric religion;
- From Creativity Machines to microsyntax and other mixed topics, related and unrelated;
- Now we are in the territory of the Neolithic Revolution, the Evolutionary psychology of religion, as well as a concept of Ruin value and the "Assembage" concept in philosophy;
- Here is a potpourri of various subjects;
- We get religious and look for topics related to the Trinitarian concept of God, to Grace, i.e. what is grace, how does grace work; Also we are looking at ancient Sumerian society, Hammurabi's code, along with the life of shepherds and also some topics in archaeology (and other topics);
- We take a peek at artist-run centers, also some ancient Mesopotamian religion and Assemblage Theory a second time around;
- The clear interest in the following TabSet is the library card catalog and elated innovations; We also look at Foucault's concept of "dispositif", ending with Desert Fathers theology;
- The obsession with order that plagues people suffering with OCD plus some content on Hesychasm and the "cosmic asymmetry" of Louis Pasteur (and asymmetry in general, which is one of my favorite concepts of all time);
- In the following, our obsession returns to things artistic; We look at Composition, at the pictorial space, and some methods; We also look at concepts related to Color Space and lighting and so forth; We also look at the Situationists and some of their concepts, as well as an exploration of the concept of database in studies of database rights; We also look at databases themselves, the database model, as well as some contente related to the Russian Constructivists; (and of course ending with a handful of seemingly unrelated web content);
- Compilations, Anthologies, Florilegia; Index cards, library classification collections abstract and concrete;