Tuesday, June 26, 2018





17:03 2018-06-26

- I have been playing with what I call "minimal visual interestingness"; The concept is for the visual artist to do the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM in terms of his/her interventions, to achieve a non-negligible level of visual "interestingness";
- Playing on the theme of The Diagonal Method, I tried making a "noise field" or scatter plot in this case, that was centered around the diagonal axis;
- It's a form of dynamic visual equilibrium, if you ask me;
DIAGONAL AXIS. A.G. (c) 2018. All Rights Reserved.
- The idea again is to generate a minimum of scattered black pixels over an off-white grey noise field lying underneath as background; The prediction is that people find this minimally interesting, working on the theory of the diagonal method;
- Anyway I was looking through my book called Design and Expression in The Visual Arts on the chapters on dynamic equilibrium as well as asymmetry; I touched upon the concept of asymmetry in my last blog post;
- This is really a bona fide NOISE FIELD; I made it by hand, pixel-by-pixel, I took a digital paintbrush and made black spots one by one, making thousands of them to create the NOISE FIELD; I will be coming back to my Noise Field Theory later on, because I really think I'm onto something; These are just visual experiments, the documentation and labnotes will be put up on this blog in the near future. It's also part of The White Point Project in a sense, more on that at a later date;
- On my general digital design methodology, please read Evolving The Fittest Image.

19:12 2018-06-26

- I just played around with the "evolutionary design" that I described in Evolving The Fittest Image, which I linked to above;
- I started with "pure noise" and "evolved" or "modulated" the image until I got a cellular-type structure, all done using primitive image processing functions that are easy to implement, meaning that technically speaking a computer could generate these kinds of images autonomously, given enough "genetic rules" hard-coded in;
GAME OF LIFE. Evolutionary design by A.G. (c) 2018. All Rights Reserved.
- I will be making many more of these experiments. Stay tuned for more...

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